‘Nothing you become will disappoint me;

I have no preconception that I'd like to see you be or do.

I have no desire to forsee you, only to discover you.

You can't disappoint me’ - Mary Haskell

Hi lovely one,

Welcome to your ‘Self-Compassion’ Workshop Hub - a place for tools, practices and resources to keep building the foundation of Self-Compassion in your life. I hope that these resources continue to support you on your journey to becoming your own fiercely loving friend and ally.

If these practices resonate with you and you’d like to find out more or share your reflections then I’d love to hear from you. Drop me an email on soulla@soulshinewithsoulla.com

Until our paths cross again, keep shining bright!

Let’s stay connected

YOUR Self-Compassion Resource HUB

Guided Meditation:

Reconnecting to your Inner Fierce Friend

Guided Meditation:

R.A.I.N Meditation - A beautiful practice to explore Self-Compassion


Daily Practices & Self-Compassion Journaling

I recommend that you aim to do this for the next 30 days and beyond! This will truly support the practice of building self-compassion.

Further Resources:

Some of my favourite Self-Compassion reads and podcasts