Internal Family Systems and the Shame Wound

Monday 31st October

Hi lovely ones,

Welcome to Masterclass 7 - Internal Family Systems and the Shame Wound

In this session we continued our explorations and understanding of the Nervous System before taking time to map out what ‘triggers’ you to move out of Self space and what builds the reservoir of Self energy.

I hope you find this session and the resources supportive.


Masterclass Overview

  • Arrival Check-in

  • New Programme Schedule

  • Introduction to Shame

  • Inner Meditation

  • Dyads and Group Sharing

  • TBC: 1:1 Demo

  • Closing


Watch the video below for only the Meditation from the Masterclass Session:


Recommended Reading & Resources

Click on each book to link to Amazon UK


Your Next Steps…

  1. Stay connected to this part.

  2. Keep your commitment to them.

  3. Show your protectors that you are checking in with the wounded part. Help them to see that they can trust you.

Meet your Parts

  1. Practice the recorded RAIN meditation and invite parts in one by one to meet them.

  2. Introduce Self-Soothing Touch when you connect to Parts so they can feel that loving Self Energy reparenting.

  3. Update your ‘Parts Log’ so you can start tracking the Parts as you meet them too. See an example on the next page.