Session 6
Monday 17th October
Hi lovely ones,
What a beautiful session calming your Nervous System, moving as your feelings, connecting to your Parts and sharing your experiences in such an insightful and open way.
I hope you find this session and the resources supportive.
Embodiment Overview
Arrival Check in
Recap Last Session & Group Sharing
Practice - Jump to the 25th minute to enjoy the Integration & Embodiment Practice and to 1hr 10 minutes to enjoy the Meditation Session
Dyad Sharing
Group Sharing
Integration Reflection
As the session contains copyrighted music, you can find access to this recording at the Dropbox link below, where you can simply play it. It isn’t necessary to have a Dropbox account to access this files. If you have any issues please simply email us.
Jump to the 25th minute to enjoy the Integration & Embodiment Practice and to 1hr 10 minutes to enjoy the Meditation Session
A recorded 1:1 Internal Family Systems Session with an Inner Alchemy Programme Client…
It can be really hard to grasp what happens in an IFS Session, how it works and how it might be different to alternative therapies. One of my Clients very kindly and courageously offered to have a recorded session so you can get a sense of how we work in this process. I recommend finding a quiet space to listen to this session (around 1 hour long)…
Your Next Steps…Get Curious!
I invite you to keep connecting to your parts and fleshing them out.
Remember that the healing comes when the system recognises adult Self-energy - so the more we connect with Parts, the more we can help bring this.
Can you notice when Parts are coming up during daily life?
Can you speak for not from your parts - ‘A Part of me…’
Get playful and curious as you notice - how many parts can you notice in a day?
Meet your Parts
Practice the recorded RAIN meditation and invite parts in one by one to meet them. You can find a link for this HERE
You can take the parts that you mapped today and work through them each time or you can see what comes up when you go into the meditation.
Practice self-soothing touch with the intention of connecting to your system and Parts.
Keep your ‘Parts Log’ so you can start tracking the Parts as you meet them.