Session 4
Tuesday 12 July
Hi lovely ones,
We made it to our halfway point in the Programme. Yay! Welcome to our Integration & Embodiment Session 4.
We now have a break until September and this is the perfect time to explore all that we’ve covered so far and start exploring what really resonates for you and how your Emotional Resilience toolkit looks.
I so look forward to our next session when we’ll dive into Internal Family Systems.
I hope you find this session and the resources supportive.
Embodiment Overview
Part 1
Recap Attachment Theory
Breakouts to share on your Self-Reflection Work
Group Questions & Sharing
Part 2
Recap our journey so far
Group Breakout
Part 3
Experiential Practice
Group Sharing
This Session recording is split into two sections. The first part is playable above. The second part contains copyrighted music, so you can find access to this recording at the Dropbox link below, where you can simply play it. It isn’t necessary to have a Dropbox account to access this files. If you have any issues please simply email us.
Recommended Reading & Resources
Click on the book image to link to Amazon UK
Your Next Steps…
Catch-up on the Hub over the next couple of months
Dive deeper into the Sessions that resonate with you and the resources available
Keep exploring your Embodiment Practices (NLM, Self-Soothing Touch, Nervous System, Restorative Yoga Practices)
Continue with your Meditation Commitment
Continue with your chosen Self-Compassion Practice
Move for at least a song a day
Your Personal Resilience Toolkit
Start working out what really supports you - building YOUR toolkit! Reflect back on the programme so far and journal around:
What have you learned/ discovered about yourself?
What has resonated / brought the most clarity?
Have you noticed any changes in your life / yourself over the last 4 months? Explore further.
What do you feel has been more helpful / insightful for you?
Are there any areas that feel more helpful to explore?
Which tools have been most impactful / supportive?
Which tools / practices have you managed to integrate into your life on some level?
Which tools / practices would you like to integrate more into your life?
And finally, I recommend having a session to connect in on all of the above with your Accountability Group. Set up a Zoom check in with each other.